Monday, September 27, 2010

@ kuala kangsar~

salam n good morning!!!

mggu lps raye mmg akan menjadi sgt bizi dan ap yg ak notice sbulan ni ak xkn pat rest proper stiap ary jumaat , sabtu n ahad!!!! adehhh..

fes week pas blik raye - pegi kuala kangsar (wt asgmnt penternakan udang)
2nd week - camping kelana sswa 
3rd week - camping kelana sswa 
4th week - pg syamille agrofarm (wt agmnt pnetrnkn gak!!!)

emmm..bnyk sgt ak kene go through pasni..n the battle had started last friday!!!
ak , wani, umi, shima, dayah, syakir n afif,,ktrng 1 grup ntok wt asgmnt pengrusn penternkn..-udang
ktrg pegi tempt penternakan udang kt K.K, kebetulan ad pak lang afif tggl kt K.K, ktrg pon stay kt c2 la..alhamdulillah xdek mslh pengnpn n makann,,


>jumaat 24.9.10<
+ tiket train ke K.K jam 10.30 mlm pd hari jumaat, ktrg smpi lam kol 2.30 pg kt K.K, paklang amek ktrg blik umah dy.
+pas smpi umah dy,,mak aii,,cantiknye desgn blik n toilet dy! [2 fes impression ktrg], ak nk cite lbih2 pon x reti, tp kotg bygkn dah la menumpng, pat blik yg sgt selesa umpama homestay~~

>sabtu 25.9.10<
+ bgn kol 6.15pg ..sume bersiap solat subuh n mandi..tup3333..paklang ckp nk trun tgkp udang x?? haaaa..??
alamak..mane bwk bju lbih..x tepk lgsg nk trun tgkp udang,,dan2 je mase ktrg dtg hari sab2 2, udang dah matang,,so tuan punye kolam 2 wt mkn2 sket,,
+maklang punye idea mmg bernas!! haha...dy pnjmkn sume tudg indon, bju, n  sluar dy ntok kami,,ap lagi dak2 ni berebut nk carik yg muat ngn bdn n matching r!! bese la pempuan,,lw x matching malu lak..ak lak last skali nk plih tudung,,sbbnye ak igt nk pkai tudung ak.pas2 xjd lak..las2 nye,,bju ak wane merah,,tudg biru!!! ahahah..ak x penah wt cm2!!! malunyee!!..xpela..4 the sake asgmnt grup..i have to~~  (-_-)"
+sblom pg tmpt 2, maklang dah siapkn nasi, sambal, telur dadar , air,,2 yang ak perasan,,yg len x prasan lak,..
pg tmpt 2 lam kol 8.45 pg..smpi kol bape ak x igt lak,.tp x jaoh sgt la.
+smpi2, ad dak UTP wt asgmnt pnternkn udang gak..kot?? ahha..ak pon masih tefkr2 apela kaitan dak UTP ngn udang??? xphm~ sila jelaskan...hehe

*sesampainye ktrg kt tmpt pentrnakan udang galah

+kt si2 dgn x malunye ktrg pon pkai persalinan yang indah bak bidadari..nk tgk?? ni haa..
*cm iklan minah jual tdg indon kn? haha

*bersama pak tam, empunya kolam udang galah

 *ni tenaga kepakaran menyauk udang galah...huhu, paklang ngn ikannya

+ sronok gak interview tuan punye kolam udang galah 2..dy bekas ckg sains n pernah dpt jwtn guru cemerlang due kali..mmg bez~
+lpas makn...ktrg bergerak ke hutan lipur ulu kenas,,bermandi-manda..
+tp lpas balik kn..ak tepk..mcm mane ak leh mndi dpn laki?? ya Allah...ampunkan dosa hambaMu ini..~
 +pas blik mndi..ktrg balik umah paklang...ptg 2 lam kol 5.30, kitrg gerak pg jln2 sekitar k.k,,bnyk tmpt mnarik kt sini..

 *pokok getah lbh seratus tahun

 *background 2 istana iskandariah..kate maklang..raja x tidur kt penunggu...huuu.takotnye..lw dy tdo ngn isteri dy..esok tgk baginda ad kt bilik lain..

*backgroud istana kenangan..mamat belakang2 menyebok je,,cesh

 *lw xclap ak ni pintu masuk istana iskandariah

*masjid ubudiah...cyes  mmg canteks sgt!

* bersama paklang n maklang

+ptg 2, ktrg mkan lakse n cendol kt kdai..mmg mantap! ahha..prot mmg tgh lapa wk2 2..dok lam kete pon senyp je memsg..lapar~ heee
+ blik umah,pas solt jamak mgrb n isyak ktrg kluar, xkn nk dok terperap lam pe plak 6t..kua je..ktrg menuju ke dapur..fokus?? nk tlg pape n borak2 ngn mak lang ..
+atas meja ad ayam n kueh raye n air teh...kami belasah smpi abes.,kueh raye x abes laa..
air teh smpi 2 jug! 6pk sgt lapa..xlame paklang bwk balik char kuew teow plak..haha,,malunye...kuat mkn...=))
dri sepenuh - penuh mja mkn 2,,tggl tudung saji kecik je..hahah...trok tol

>ahad 26.9.10<
+ bgn kol 1 pg.bersiap nk nek train kol 2.30 pg..smpi khar kol 5.30 pg..

pengalm yg sgt mnyeronokkn!!! mcm2 prangai2!!!
tetggl kain batik la,,ak lak tetggl earphone ,,=(

credit 2 afif : menyediakn tmpt tggl yg amat selesa...=)

Friday, September 24, 2010

betol2 r!!!!!!!!!

today is 15 Syawal 1421H!!
time is really fast!!
i still thinking many asgmnts n test that should be completed n faces!~~
harghh..this sem was so tough for me..

way to go~~

hurm..i hope i can do well in the upcoming test.,,wish me best of luck ya!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

you're beautiful!!!


waahhhh..dah 2 mgg x update blog!
cuti ari2 ak dah teraddicted ngn due org nih!!!!
nk tw sape??

xpe2,,ak share ngn korg sape yg ak suke sgt nih!
Jang Geun Suk ngn Park Shin Hye..
actor n actress cite You're beautiful..xtually cite ni dah released taon lps..kire ak xla telmbt sgt kn..hihi..
bes jln cite ni..bez333!!! THUMB UPSSS!!!

carik punye carik kt gak name dowg n synopsis cite ni..
saje nk infom kt korg..take tme 2 watch thiz movie! 

Tae Kyung and On Yu are in search of a new member for their idol group, A.N.JELL. However, Mi Nam suffers an injury at the last moment. So Mi Nyu, his twin sister, is asked to step in for her brother. The rest of the drama follows the behind-the-scenes life of an idol group.

Jang Geun Suk as Hwang Tae Kyung

Park Shin Hye Go Mi Nam (Male) / Go Mi Nyu (Female)

Lee Hong Ki as Kang On Yu / Jeremy
Jung Yong Hwa as Kang Shin Woo

n then yg wt ak teraddicted ielah..apebile ak dpt dengr lagu OST cite ni..bess sgt~~
korg pg kt Youtube, taip OST You're Beautiful - Without Words..

Ni lagu yg ditranslate lam english

Without Words-Park Shin Hye

I should have done that

I should have ignored it

Like something I couldn't see

I shouldn't look at you at all

I should have run away

I should have acted like I didn't hear it

Like something I couldn't hear

I shouldn't have listened to love at all

Without a word, you let me know love 

Without a word, you give me love

You made me even hold of your breath but you ran away like this

Without a word, love leaves me

Without a word, love tossed me away

What should I say next?

My closed lips were surprised on their own

Coming without any words

Why does it hurt so much?

Why does it hurt continuously?

Except for the fact that I can't see you anymore 

And that you are not here anymore

Otherwise, it's the same as before

Without a word, you let me know love 

Without a word, you give me love

You made me even hold of your breath but you ran away like this

Without a word, love leaves me 

Without a word, love tossed me away

What should I say next? 

My closed lips were surprised on their own

Without a word, tears fall 

Without a word, my heart breaks down

Without a word, I waited for love 

Without a word, love hurts me

I zone out 

I become a fool because I cry looking at the sky

Without a word, fire well finds me 

Without a word, the end comes to me

I think my heart was surprise to send you away without any preparations

It came without a word

Without a word, it comes and leaves

Like the fever before, maybe all I need to do is hurt for a while

Friday, September 3, 2010

Balik Raye !!!!!oyeahhh!!!!!

Salam all..

Menjelng ambang merdeka  ari2..warga khar bertungkus lumus menyiapkn logo 1 Malaysia yg bakal dimasukkn ke dlm Malaysian Book Of Records..motifnya adlh mnyiapkn logo 1 Malaysia dgn menggunakn botol2 plastik terpakai..dan alhamdullah..semuanya berjalan dgn lancar..bgge ak jd warga khar..=) seriuosly ckp , ak x tlg lgsung lam pembikinan logo 2..sdih gak..yelaa..sape suh bg asgmnt melmbak kt alhamdulillah..ak turut menyumbangkan botol gak sumbngn..[walapon cket].Berita ni dah msuk lam Utusan Malaysia 1 September 2010 baru ni..

view dri ats..cantik kn? [credit to fb users,,hahaa, phm x?]

I still counting down my days left to go home..1 DAYS LEFT!!!waaa..T_T..miss my fmly damn much!!!!
rumate dah friend dah balik..ak?? dok menatap khar lagi...aduuuhh..sabar jela..
cmne laa claz organic chem ni still berjln..petng-sepetng-petngnye ad claz..lw ak cancel dah claz ni.hemm..xpela Dr. Azlan..saye dtg gak claz dr..rugi lw tggl , dah la x pndai sgt..

Mlm td ak tdo sensorg lam bilik,,n bukak lampu...uiishh.jarng bebenor ak nk bukk lmpu lw wk2 tdo disebbkn 1 kejadian yg xdiingini berlaku..ak pon bukklaa..hish..dan2 je rumate ak 'ter'kate takot ad org tdo kt ats ktil dy..OMG!!!! npe 'ter'ckp..isshh..seram tanak pk pape..juz go on...tdo bukk lmpu!!
 subuh2 lagi ak dah taip n3 ni..nk tdo?? nkjugak..jap lagi..hiihi..claz kol 10..

Ak prasan spnjg bulan pose ni..ak akn sdih lw 'ter'miss sahur~~ why?? becoz keje bnyk n ltih...maybe kot..mmg ak cube sedaye upaye ak ntok bgn sahur gak..yela, lam sahur ad berkat kn..=)
lw kt m3x dlu,,ak sebolehnye malas gile nk jd ngn ak ni ntah..xdek kesedrn agma kot wk2 2..ish3.trok btol..

Esok ak dah nk balik.!!! yeyeyeye!!! gembirenye,,,saat yg dinanti2 menjelng tiba..hope ramadhan yg bakal berlalu pergi ni akn membw seribu rahmat dariNya,,n ntah la,,ak mengharpkn 1 memori yg indah buat Ramadhan kli ni ntok ak...pedie yg bakal berlaku??? 2gu~~~ hihhi..ak pon xtw ak menghrap sumtin yg menggembirakn ak..=))